PlantWise Help


Element Attributes / Relationships Name Definition
nozzle attributes diameter diameter as defined in nozzle list reported in diameter units
dimension1 the distance, radius, or u-distance dimension of element nozzle placed on
dimension2 the v-distance or angle of element nozzle placed on
display_name unique string identifier for component (tag)
element_face name of the element face nozzle is placed on
element_name name of element nozzle is placed on
end_loc the end/attachment point of the nozzle; a list of three numbers
end-x x-ordinate of the end of the nozzle
end-y y-ordinate of the end of the nozzle
end-z z-ordinate of the end of the nozzle
flange_diameter flange diameter value from data table, or user override
flow_direction INLET for terminating nozzles, OUTLET for originating nozzles, NIL if not connected
geo_loc origin point of nozzle; list of three numbers
geo_rot string; orientation vector components
grouped T if the nozzle is connected to an inlet or outlet equipment-set header; otherwise, nil
gouped_alignment (for more on grouped alignment, see Nozzle Attributes ) the collective orientation of the set of grouped nozzles of which this nozzle is a part: inline converging diverging parallel nil
input_dimaeter diameter defined in nozzle list (in diameter units)
length length of nozzle
local-loc location of nozzle with respect to element placement point
local-rot rotation of nozzle with respect to element face
local_orientation the orientation of the nozzle with respect to the equipment's local coordinate system: left right front back up down
location_keyword indicator of whether the nozzle is location within a structure (:structure) or not (:field)
name name of nozzle defined in nozzle list
nominal_diameter diameter defined in nozzle list (in project main units)
type type attribute defined in nozzle list
x, y, z x-, y-, z-values of the geo_loc
relationships equipment equipment nozzle is attached to
pipeline pipeline attached to nozzle